I dredged up some information gathered regarding hosting a triathlon in Oelwein. I think it would be a really great challenge and something ultimately that could be awesome for Oelwein. So, here is a list of items we would need to address at some point. I’ve also mapped out a potential course and have links provided.
Give it some thought and let’s discuss.
Items to address:
Mission & goal – why are we doing this & what do we hope to accomplish
1. Revenue - $7,250 entry fees ($75X100 participants less estimated active.com fee)+ $10,000 sponsorship (5 title sponsors @ $1,000, 10 other sponsors @ $500)
2. Expenses - $2,500 promotion, $5,000 equipment rental (total guess), $700 event insurance (100 participants @ $7), $500 park rental, $2,500 prize purse, $1,000 giveaways, $5,050 to give to Oelwein in some way
Choosing a date
Promotion – how do we inform potential participants about the race
1. Other triathlon and running races
2. Triathlon clubs in Eastern Iowa
3. Colleges and universities with triathlon clubs
4. Distributed race calendars
5. Trifind.com
Community support
1. Support from police & fire department
2. Support from school district
3. Support from city parks & recreation department - park reserved
4. Support from community at large
Sponsorship & In kind giving
1. Items for “swag bag”
2. Food/drink for aid stations and post race
3. Prize money
Participant registration options
1. Risk management
2. Race insurance – http://www.fdean.com/triathlon/index.html
Equipment needed - registration area, volunteer organization area, start/finish, transition area, swim course, bike course, run course, post race
Recruitment of volunteers - school system, park & recreation department, friends & family
Raceday logistics - closed park, course setup, safety support for swim (kayaks, boat, spotters), volunteer organization, leader chaperone (motorcycle)
Equipment rental and race expertise
Bike route
Run Route