I was pretty excited about the Casio watch that I bought on Amazon for $25 to use while I'm at sea. I loved it. SUPER functional with dual time zones (so I knew what the local time was, but also what time it was here at home), backlight, stopwatch, and a timer, too. Sweet! I don't know a thing about watches beyond, "Yeah, that looks nice" or "That's ugly." The watch that I wear every day is the one that I've been wearing for 10 years. Jennifer gave it to me when I made Chief in 2004. It's a Citizen Eco-drive (I had to go look at it to remember). Just how many watches do you have? I think everyone has something that they like enough that they would own tons of if money or space was no object. Call me a girl, but I love shoes, bags, and jackets. But there are other things too. I was telling someone the other day that I love tents. If I could justify it I would own 15-20 of them. And bikes.
I've never really read GQ, but I've always really enjoyed Esquire. Rather than try to explain it to you, I'll just paste a review of Esquire that I posted on Amazon back in 2006 that sums it up nicely.
"If you're like me - middle-aged, white, male, conservative, Christian, who buys most of my clothes at Old Navy - you will be the target of all the condescending ridicule in every article. And yet I find it very entertaining! Although I'll never be able to afford even one of their recommended outfits, and I'm usually a full 180 degrees opposite of their political views, I find their articles interesting, well-written, and insightful. I must admit, I should hate Esquire, because the editors and writers would find me disgusting. But somehow I look forward to seeing it in my mailbox every month. The writers, if nothing else, are intelligent, which is more than I can say for the writers in most guy magazines like FHM and Maxim."
Yes, I'm the dork that writes product reviews on Amazon. We could talk about that another time.