Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years Ago Today

Ten years ago today our world as Americans changed forever. That day is for now, the most memorable day of my life. Some fundamental parts of our existence were challenged, like freedom and security; while other fundamental parts were strengthened like patriotism, indivisibility and resilience.

September 11, 2001 brought all of us together as Americans in a way no other series of events could. We were unified and decisions that would have normally taken some time to be reached were suddenly made easy. Refreshingly, the leaders of our country acted promptly and without hesitation. There were no political sides and no endless debates. And I believe like some that it made us stronger as a country.

My sincere hope is that our country and those who lead it learn one more valuable lesson from September 11, 2001. That being unified with the same purpose and the same desire to act can help us overcome unprecedented times, and act on events that have never in the history of the world ever been encountered before.

Lets encourage our government to stop their political positioning, stop identifying differences and start finding common ground and agreement. I believe we all want the United States to return to being the most enviable country and economy of the world. We all want to protect the American dream, reduce unemployment, provide access to reasonable health care, reduce our national deficit and take care of our elders.

The rest is just details. As Americans we all love our country. And as an American who has had the opportunity to see first hand other countries of the world I realize perhaps more than most how favorable our government is to other systems of the world. But lets band together to tackle these issues of our country, and our world ... address them together with unshakable resolve and determination ... just as we did we other issues 10 years ago today.

God bless America!

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