As I enter the holiday season this year I'm feel like we (Holly and I) are busier than we've ever been. Now part of this could be that I have a terrible memory but I'm also sure there is some validity to just how busy we really are. With 15, 12 and 10 year old kids (lots of activities, no drivers, yet) Holly and I spend most of our "free" time either attending kids activities, dropping them off at their activities, picking them up at their activities, or some combination of all of the above. Now that's not a gripe since we both love being a big part of our kids lives, but it is a huge ask. Thankfully, my wife carries most of the load and I get to be the pleasant surprise when I am able to show up.
But I've been thinking, "is this busy lifestyle has emerged in our life really good for our kids, and us?" Scary thought actually just to think about that. It's a reality of today, you have to make a big commitment to something (anything really) to get ahead, to succeed. School, job, sports, music ... it really doesn't matter. To think that R&R is now a planned part of our schedules. It has to be otherwise it doesn't happen right? Is this viscious spiral ever going to end, and how?
Technology has enabled us to multi-task, stay connected, and be more productive regardless of location. Has it been a help or hindrence to the pace of life these days?
My view? I'm really not sure but I'm committed to enjoying every minute I can with my fast growing and soon to be independent kids. And I'm going to enjoy as much time as possible with my family and friends over the holidays - crunch it all into the schedule. And sustain my work/life balance with my smart phone by my side!
Just purchased a book called The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin. I'm hoping it will address some of my questions about whether Holly and I are on the right path. Guess to some extent it's a personal choice. And you'll be making it whether you consciously think so or not.
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