Ed, it looks like you've got a few significant events on your list this year, and I'm not talking about the sprint triathlon. After RAGBRAI last summer, the triathlon will be a walk in the park.
Riding 1000 miles is a nice bike goal and I'd like to have a similar goal for the year. I'm a little hesitant to quantify it until I see where we end up living in San Diego. It certainly won't be a problem for me in terms of time since I will most certainly be able to ride year-round out there. However, whether or not I am able to log any significant miles by riding directly from our residence will certainly affect my mileage expectations. Riding is so much more of a pain when you have to load up your bike and get in the car before you even start. I'm really hoping to be able to ride from home.
I know a move to KC would be the major one on your list, but in the long run would probably pay off based on the location of the kids schools and your work. I hope your preference comes into being in that you can stay put with B&V but serve in a new position that will present some new and interesting challenges.
When's the beach week? Can we get in on that? Any aspirations that involve more time with family (Holly and the kiddos) is worth whatever effort it takes to accomplish it. I hope all of that stuff comes to fruition.
For me? I haven't really thought about it much (sorry Brad). Now that I'm on the spot, I can think of a few:
1. Qualify as a Information Warfare Officer within six months of reporting to San Diego.
2. Get back in the water at least once a week. I hardly swam at all during the past year. I miss it primarily because I don't do anything for my upper body if I don't swim (I know that's hard to believe considering my guns). It's also a lot easier on my knees, which are growing increasingly "gritty". Perhaps my efforts will lead to a B3aW sprint tri at the end of the summer.
3. I checked and was surprised to see that I read only 11 books in 2011. I think I had hoped to read a book a month so at least I wasn't far off my mark. I would like to continue to read at that pace, or perhaps a bit more. 15 books is a good goal. I should combine my goal of spending less time on Facebook with my reading goal since they are directly related. I don't read because I'm on Facebook!
4. I'll try to post more regularly on the blog, regularly enough for 12-months that are free of "I'm carrying the blog" emails from my brothers!
5. As hard as it will be and as funny as it may sound to you guys, I'm going to work harder than ever to abstain from any political commentary on Facebook. That will be tough considering it's an election year, but nothing, and I mean NOTHING good comes from political debates on the interwebs.
6. Not feel like a loser in January 2013 because I can't come up with more things to put on my aspirations list.
That's all I've got fellas. If I think of something else, you'll hear about it.
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