Sunday, February 26, 2012

Get Brad Baldwin to Join Facebook

My brother is resisting. Resisting societal progress and the relatively new and forever altered means by which we communicate, network and stay in touch with our family, friends, business partners, vendors, and work colleagues. And yes, even strangers that somehow have found themselves as “friended” during a weak moment. But hey, that’s the way it goes.

I’m pushing him. Pushing Brad to the inevitable future that is social networking. Like it or not.
Now I’m not suggesting that Facebook won’t be replaced. In fact, it definitely will. Who knows when but surely there is some bright insightful software genius out there right now developing a more capable and intuitive social network, without all the negatives. Facebook will someday be the equivalent of MySpace … RIP. But for now it’s the biggest and baddest social network on the planet. Time to climb aboard the train Brad.

So if you’re out there and know my brother, please join this group and convince him to join. I know his wife (Sheila Frein Baldwin) is a Facebook member, so I’m certain she’ll relay my grass roots effort to persuade my brother. And I’m also going to put this post on our blog, Brothers3areWe.

He means well. Brad actually has some practical and reasonable rationale for not wanting to join this network of 900 million members. But he’s missing the point. Social networking is here to stay. Like color TV, cars with power windows, rolling luggage, cellular phones and the internet.
Social networking isn’t like pegged jeans, pet rocks or Lady Gaga. It’s here to stay. So c’mon brother, check it out. You just might like it more than you think!

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