Monday, May 14, 2012

A Mothers Day Tribute ... Metta World Peace Style

With Mothers Day yesterday it didn't matter whether you turned on the radio, the TV, or went to church for the Sunday morning sermon, all talk was about mothers.  The advice they dole out, the sacrifices they make, and how much better the world is because of what they do selfishly each day.  

So of course, I was thinking about all the advice that I have been given by my mother over the years.  And I'm still getting.  Most of it I listen to and attempt to learn from.  But some of it "goes in one ear and out the other".   But one that sticks out for me was one I've heard a thousand times.  "Remember son, your actions speak much louder than your words".  


So I have to ask, what do you think Metta World Peace's Mom (aka Ron Artest's Mom) had to say about the antics of her sons recently elbowing of James Harden in the head, warranting his 7-game suspension?  I'll bet her response wasn't "ah, that's my boy!"  Probably more along the lines of "what the #&@$ were you thinking son!"  Yeah, that's probably a more realistic script.  

I'm sure that all Moms are embarrassed by their kids actions at some point.  Tiger Woods' Mom, Scott Thompson's Mom, Sean Payton's Mom, Anthony Weiner's Mom ... I could go on and on.  

And no doubt there have been countless times when I embarrassed my Mom too.  Heck, we all do it.  It's almost expected as kids, "doing what kids do".  But sometimes as adults also, which is not only embarrassing but also disappointing to our mothers.  "I thought I had raised you better than that."  
Throwing a fit in the dugout after a strikeout, saying something inappropriate in church, acting up with my brothers in a public place, or just not doing my best on a test or exam I was taking.  All these are painful for our Moms.  But these are petty crimes of Mom embarrassment.  Their not a bank heist, something of grand enough proportions to be of national or international fame - with media swarming significant enough that any person in the free world has the opportunity to read about your error in judgment or see it first hand on their big screen.  No, that's Mom embarrassment of a whole new scale.  

So I wish they would have interviewed the Moms of a few of those above named who have made fatal or nearly fatal mistakes on Mothers Day.  

I'm imagining the interview on ESPN ...

Scott Van Pelt:  Metta World Peace Mom, do you think the 7-game suspension from Commissioner Stern for your son's actions is too soft?
Metta World Peace Mom:  Ron would have been grounded for longer than that just for acting up in church on a Sunday morning.  I expect much more than that from my boy!

Scott Van Pelt:  So what do you think would be an appropriate punishment for your son's recent behaviors on the court?  
Metta World Peace Mom:  If he was still living under my roof I would color his backside redder than a barn door! 

Now there is an idea for Commissioner Stern.  

Thanks for all the Moms out there teaching their kids the rights and wrongs of the world in a way that only a Mother could.  With heaping amounts of love and forgiveness to help make that painful lapse in judgment go down a little smoother.

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