A recent tragedy with a KC Chiefs player shooting the mother of his 3-month old daughter and then turning the gun on himself has raised some interesting dialogue among family and friends. Dialogue that I felt were worthy of a blog post.
Now I'm going to provide my opinion and not try to influence you to agree. I'm simply going to share my opinion and ask my brothers to provide theirs.
Where do you stand on gun control?
Me, I'm for it ... kind of. I believe in my first amendment right to bear arms and I don't think that should be taken from me. However, I do think that steps need to be taken in an attempt to control the violence in this country. Gun control, in my opinion is one of those steps.
I am in favor of limiting who can own automatic weapons, handguns and any other firearm that couldn't be reasonably used for sport of some type. Shotguns and rifles are the typically used firearms for hunting. And the only restriction I would place on owning these types of firearms is having to register them, and having a reasonable "cooling off period" before you could pick up a gun of this type that you purchased. Seven days seems reasonable.
Which means I'm in favor of more severely limiting the ability to purchase, own and carry weapons that are most typically used for violence. I know shotguns and rifles are sometimes used. But more often than not it is handguns - and automatic weapons when mass killings occur.
I haven't worked out all the details on my proposed regulations but this is my general philosophy and stance.
So what's your view? Hit us back in the comments ...
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