Sunday, January 27, 2013

Are you looking forward to the Superbowl?

I gotta be honest, the real reason I'm writing this blog is just to get something posted while Brad is gone gallivanting across the world's mountain tops.  If Brad can climb 20,000 feet, the least I can do is crank out a blog!

The Superbowl will be a real test of my "conference fan" theory that you guys have heard me talk about before.  Yes, I'm a Steelers fan, but I'm also an AFC North fan, which unfortunately includes the Baltimore Ravens and Ray Lewis.

I kind of like the 49ers for some reason, and I wouldn't mind seeing them win, but I always pull for the AFC, so I should be pulling for the Ravens.  The reality is that I wouldn't dislike the Ravens half as much as I do if Ray Lewis weren't on the team.  You guys have heard me rant about him enough that I don't need to explain why I don't like him.

But it's not just that I don't like him.  Since he has announced his retirement, I have no doubt that the Superbowl cameras will be zoomed in on him about 75% of the time during the game.  It's gonna get old really quickly.  And to make it worse, the 25% of the time that the cameras won't be on him, they will be on one of the coaches, or better yet, both of them at the same time (split screen).  We might not get to see any of the actual football.

So I guess I'm just not that excited about the Superbowl this year.  Even the commercials have been mediocre the last few years.

I guess I'll just look forward to the food.

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