Sunday, February 17, 2013

Ed on Extreme

I understand both Brad and Marc's position, and both posts are good ones.  

But my question for Brad is why?  Why push to your limits?  What is gained?  Sure, you learn how much your body can achieve but is that really why most people take to these extreme challenges?  As an official non-member of the extreme club I don't think so.  I would suggest most have something to prove to others, and that they aren't doing it just for themselves.  Money, fame, status or whatever, I'm calling out "most" extreme seekers and suggesting these are the real reasons for their pursuits.  Brad may have more noble reasons, but I don't think he's in the majority among his extreme seeking clubbers.

And for Marc I would suggest that stretch is always a good thing.  And yes, stretch is different than extreme.  But most regular Joe's don't realize there is as much elasticity in their capability as they actually have.  As people we getting better from adversity.  And while I don't like adversity any more than anyone else, we always seem to grow, develop and get better from facing it.  When it comes to my psyche content rests very close to complacent, and the line between the two is often blurry.  So I need the urging to continually improve and get better.  That's just me, again no presumption that you are the same.

So as with most things the value is in the middle.  Just like an Oreo.

When I spoke to Brad this weekend it was interesting to me that he was uncomfortable with the banner of "lunatic", but much more comfortable with "fringe lunatic".  Ah, he likes the inside edge of extreme.  And Marc, would you be comfortable with the outside edge of comfortable, which I might describe as stretch?  If so, then then you two are a lot closer than you think.

And this discovery would mean you both are both wrong ... and I'm RIGHT.  Now that's an extreme position that I'm very comfortable with!

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