I don't have a lot of patience for the entitlement attitude, as I'm sure neither of you do. I see it in the young people that are joining the Navy these days. They want the respect and privilege that comes with the accomplishment achieved over the course of a career without having to earn it. I realize I probably sound like our dear Father sometimes, but I often find myself telling stories to the younger Sailors about how things were when I joined the Navy. I got paid $600 a month, had to live in the barracks, and didn't own a car until one was given to me in Rota, Spain, four years after I joined the Navy.
I don't have any magic answers for curing the entitlement epidemic. Perhaps we need to have a discussion about immediate gratification?? That's another staple of the American culture, right? I want it, and I want it right now. Delayed gratification is so 1960s man. Why should I have to wait?
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