Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 close out, 2014 Goals and Resolutions

I went back and looked at my 2013 goals from the blog and here's what I found:

1. Let go, let God.
2. Support others.
3. Keep learning.
4. Find my fit.
5. Bike more.
6. Less fizz.

My grade on each:

1. C, I went to church more but my attendance and desire waned in the face of "other priorities".
2. B, I've made a conscious effort to help others who might be struggling, much the way I was through a good part of 2012 and the first part of 2013.  I feel I did a reasonable job.
3. B, I learned a tremendous amount (about businesses, politics, and myself) from running my own business.  I also took a class on entrepreneurship that was a good stretch for me. 
4. A-, I know what I am and what I'm not, professionally and personally.  I've tried to stay true to who I am through 2013.
5. B+, I put less actual miles on my bike in 2013 than in 2012 (because of RAGBRAI) but overall I was more active.  2013 started with a weight challenge with Mom, and ended with a fitness challenge with my brothers.  Overall, a pretty good year. 
6. A+, I wanted to significantly limit my soda intake and went the whole year without any soda.  While my intake of beer likely increased (also fizz) what I was really referencing in this goal/resolution was soda and I even exceeded my own expectation. 

So, what's on the docket for 2014?  Here's what I've come up with so far:

1. No texting and driving (I know I should never do this but admittedly I do)
2. Limit my soda intake to no more than 5 per week
3. Recertify for my SPHR and GPHR designations
4. Take a significant vacation (at least a week) with my immediate family
5. Plan something special for our 25th wedding anniversary to ensure it is memorable
6. Complete my first sprint triathlon
7. Develop a strong personal friendship with at least one person in Denver
8. Don't check my phone (email, texts, facebook) before 6am and after 9pm

Well boys, what do you have on your respective lists?

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