Friday, February 7, 2014

Any plans for reading??

Amazon has come out with a list of books that they've titled: "100 Books to Read in a Lifetime."  I flipped through them out of curiosity, and I've read four of them, in addition to seeing three others in movie form.  The four that I've read:

Hunger Games
The Little Prince
The Lord of the Rings
To Kill a Mockingbird

I might have read Great Expectations too, and 1984 (in school) but I'm not sure.  Brad, I noticed that Born to Run was on the list and I know you've read that one.

To be honest, there aren't a ton of things on the list that I saw and said to myself, "Ooooh, I want to read that one."  But there are a couple:

Catch-22  -  A classic that I've never read.
Daring Greatly  -  Brene Brown is one of the speakers that I loved from that leadership conference.
The Book Thief  -  What can I say, looks like an interesting story based on the movie preview!
The Catcher in the Rye  -  Another classic that I've never read.
The Looming Tower  -  I would like to understand the history of Al-Qaeda a little better.

I can live without reading the others.  Anything catch your rye?  I mean your eye?

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