I just finished reading Stones Into Schools by Greg Mortenson, the follow up to his national bestseller Three Cups of Tea (43 weeks at #1). It is an incredible book and one I would recommend to everyone. His story begins after failing in an attempt to summit K2, Mortenson stumbled lost and sick into the village of Korphe in Northern Pakistan. After being nursed back to health by the village people, he promised to build a school there for their children. 16 years later his organization, Central Asia Institute (CAI), has built and funded over 150 schools in the most remote areas of Pakistan and Afganistan with a focus on the education of girls. Mortenson is now recognized as an expert in the region and is one of the only Americans that is able to travel freely throughout this dangerous land. Hated by the Taliban, he is beloved by the people in these two desperate countries. CAI continues to expand their network of educational institutions and believes this education is the most effective way to combat the violent teachings of the Taliban and their jihad against western culture as well as raising these populations from abject poverty.
I believe there are two critical lessons from Mortenson's experiences:
1. Ignorance is the more destructive and limiting than any idealogy. Islam is a religion of peace. The Taliban espouse a convoluted interpretation of this religion and despise the CAI's efforts to educate the general population especially girls. Even the most basic level of education drastically reduces the chance someone will join a terrorist organization such as the Taliban. I think ignorance, particularly in regards to religion, is also a primary source of intolerance in the US.
2. Intolerance of alternative opinions is unacceptable and destructive. Regardless of the idealogy of your choice, intolerance of alternative idealogies is at best unfortunate and at worst destructive. Mortenson's work has proven how willingness to understand other idealogies, in his case the religion of Islam and the innerworkings of the tribal culture of central Asia, can lead to incredibly positive outcomes.
I have condensed these books immensely and there is much to learn from Mortenson's experiences. I think everyone should read these books, follow and support the work of Greg Mortenson and the CAI. Their work is the future of peace in our world.
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