Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ed on Baseball and the Dalai Lama

I appreciate our collective passion (see prior blog) on the topic of baseball, and the Dalai Lama opens up a lot of doors for further blog posts. As I stack myself up against the items listed in Brad's post:

Compassion - occasional, but definitely room for improvement
Forgiveness - pretty decent at this, but the literal definition is tough to achieve
Tolerance - wow, as much room for improvement here as exists on a baseball field, which by the way, is approximately 100,00 square feet right Marc?
Contentment - again, improving with time but this scares me; dangerously close to one of my biggest fears, complacent
Self-discipline - oh boy, as if the baseball field wasn't a big enough area for improvement. I'm slowly improving here but this represents my largest "developmental opportunity"

I love simple and powerful messages and the Dalai Lama's message really delivers on this. In the complex and complicated world we live in it's wonderful to get some soulful advice. Most religions of the world deliver on this also, and I believe this is one of the primary needs that is fulfilled by them.

Baseball is great, and so is Da Lama. So much so that I couldn't keep myself from wondering, what would Da Lama have to say about baseball? And, could he it a Lintecum slider or return a Federer serve? Which do you think he would find to me a greater feat?

My guess is he wouldn't give a damn, and would suggest that high degrees of capability at the five qualities above would prove far more challenging than either!

Love the debate boys, but it's time to call a truce. None of us could touch Lintecum's fastball, nor return Federer's serve. Heck, neither of you could touch even my fastball or return one of my first serves! Best start with me and move on to Tim and Roger.

Lets get it on!

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