Marc's post about life without the Internet left me thinking about my view and use of technology these days. First, I'm not as tech savvy as either of my brothers.
Further, I'm quickly approaching the time where I will join forces with my father and declare technological innovation with general discord, suspicion and disregard.
I am racing toward the breaking point where I no longer will want to know what technology can do for me. It already does enough. What I will want it to do for me then is create more independence from screen staring and create more time for the important things in life. No more punching keys like rats collecting food pellets. Now there's a mission for Apple!
I'm afraid that era is gone forever ... when one could be in a public place without technology being visibly present or utilized. Instead, this mythological place will become the folklore of old people in pleats, wide ties and dinner jackets at bingo parties where actual paper sheets and corn are used to determine winners and losers!
All exaggeration and expletives aside some technologies can be good - they are the ones driven to increase and enhance leisure time. Their value proposition is on increasing the "play time" in your life. And these technologies still have a play in my life. If, on the other hand, a new technology increases the convenience of doing work 24/7 from anywhere on the planet then I'll pass! I'll gladly leave that for the next generation of ladder climbing wannabees.
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