Now there are a lot of topics for which I have little or no knowledge. But as the heftiest of the Baldwins of the last three generations, this is a topic I have a rich and robust knowledge of ... so, enough of my credentials.
Totinos - their pizza suck, and Mom's oven added insult to the injury. Since when is pepperoni cubed? C'mon! But, I would opt for a Totino's pizza to this day compared to "roast jerkey" or fish sticks. At least the fish sticks didn't have any fish in them. But when you're eating a pizza and you order pepperoni, you actually want the pizza to have some real meat on the thing.
A couple of other food highlights for you two that I'm sure you will appreciate
#1 KOOZWAZZA! How does one come up with such a name. For all our blog fans (are there any?) you won't know what I'm speaking of. But for my two brothers, this name rolling off the lips meant the very best of Baldwin treats ... oh, yeah! HoHos! Ok, not a Hostess but still rolls of cream and chocolate in packets of two, or boxes of twelve. Want to know how I know that ... I'll let you imagine!
#2 Microwave popcorn - what brand did we eat anyway? Marc may be able to remember the popcorn that started it all. Not microwave popcorn, but popcorn that came in a tin foil skillet and you shook it over the stove for a meer twenty minutes at which time you would have 3 kernels of perfectly popped popcorn, and a ton of either unpopped kernels or charred to a crisp popped popcorn. Downright atrocious!
I have enjoyed this trip down memory lane as much as anyone. So with that, where are the little Debbies?!
Did anyone ever tell youi that it was "Jiffy Pop" popcorn? Hugs