Monday, October 25, 2010

Favre, again.

Here's a quick message (Marc, I wondered if you would come up with this, after a scan through the headlines to find something to "light your fire") to say that I watched most of the game last night between the Packers and the Vikings, and paid particular attention to what the commentators were saying about Favre. One point they made is that every pass is historic for Favre - a completion, an interception, a touchdown, a pic six ... doesn't matter. He has now thrown for more than 40 miles! Whew, bet that was something we all wanted to know.

Now my brothers and I differ on this. I like Favre. Always have. But his recent off the field antics and slumping capability on the field has me believing more and more that it is his time to step away from the game. He's fun to watch, always, and has an attitude of "so there's a chance" even when playing from behind.

An ugly game from an old man last night, and the rust is showing. Brett, if you're following this blog (probably, right?) here's straight talk from a fan of yours ... It might be time to hang up the helmet for a pair of Wranglers, Sears commercials, and long and illustrious career of commentating.

I know my brothers will be eager to hear your take on the recent crackdown on defenseless headhunting rules or the Manning brothers rivalry! After all, gotta stay in the spotlight right?

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