Monday, October 25, 2010

Marc on Favre

Man, it was painful just to write that title! Favre can add one more to his long list of records and statistics: the most frequent topic on the Baldwin Boys blog.

I watched the game last night as well. I have to admit that during those last two minutes I was sure that Favre was going to rip the heart out of all of Green Bay again, if for no other reason than because I was hoping that he would fail. As Ed mentioned, I am definitely NOT a Brett Favre fan.

My reasons for disliking him in no way question the incredible career that he has had. I, like many others, have simply grown weary of his weeping press conferences year after year, and then the inevitable drama of July and August when he "suddenly" decides to play again. This year was even worse, with him joining the team just in time for the first regular season game. The fact is that I think he's never considered retiring; he's a superstar, loves having a long summer off, and knows that he can get away with not showing up until the last minute. And no one is willing to even entertain the question of how it hurts the team NOT having the starting quarterback around during training camp.

Unfortunately when he finally does retire, he will be talked about as a legendary quarterback "who threw a lot of interceptions, especially in the playoffs". Granted, you can make the argument that the greatest sluggers in MLB history also had the most strikeouts. In my opinion, Favre is one of the best when his team is in the lead. However, he's terrible when his team is behind, especially as he's grown older, because he tries to force things, and throws interceptions as a result. But hey, I'm not gonna a lie, I'd keep playing as long as someone was willing to pay me $16 million a year!

I'm interested to see whether or not he'll continue his streak of starts with his bum ankle, which didn't seem to bother him much as he celebrated what he thought was the game winning touchdown.

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