Congratulations Brad. I'm pleased to say that I'm NOT in the club.
There are a couple of reasons why I'm pleased to say that. (1) Of the three of us, I live the farthest South. Now I know KC isn't exactly San Antonio in December, but it is noticeably warmer and generally gets significantly less snowfall than Iowa or Maryland. Now who's the level headed one? (2) I need the exercise more than you two do! But I'm also getting old so a 2-4 inch snow fall a half dozen times a year is plenty for my workout regimen - and I use "workout regimen" very loosely. I'm possibly one of the youngest people I know that can be sore the next day from picking up a laundry basket full of clothes and carrying it up the stairs!
Brad, I'm interested in some more specs on your snow blower. Looks impressive whether it gets fired up or not! One of those enviable "tools" that men love to google over. It's a great conversation piece, you know "what's the horsepower, maximum throw distance, revolutions per minute, and gear ratio? Oh yeah!
And I appreciate you doing what you can to keep old man winter from dumping snow into the Midwest. I only hope you aren't sending it South. You'll be firing that bad boy up even if it doesn't snow just so the neighbors can hear the throaty, roaring, snow eating machine. Only one catch ... instead of doing just your driveway and walk, you'll be doing two or three times that. After all, you're the one who has the machine and have been talking all winter about "wanting to get it out and use it!"
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