Well, the Christmas break has finally arrived for me.
I wanted to post something here since I believe that our first posts on this blog related to New Years resolutions. No, I'm not going to share my resolutions for two reasons: (1) I don't yet have any; and (2) When I do create them they will probably be no more profound or worthy of reading than anyone else's resolutions. So, sorry to disappoint.
Instead, I wanted to post a blog about one thing that consumes most of our communications during this time of year. And perhaps one of those things we have blogged about the most ... No, not Favre (although that's another good idea) Nope, I'm talking about that most glorious of topics - one's FAMILY.
Family gets a lot of play during the holidays. Spending time with your family, particularly extended family, is something that's both cherished and cursed. The idea of spending the holidays with FAMILY is a challenging one for several reasons. First, there are big expectations. Big expectations lead to disappointment. And disappointment leads to the thought that "I'm not doing that again". But the holidays come again next year and spending time with family (especially given the expectations) is a hard habit to break. So we endure another season of a house full of FAMILY, small talk, and somewhat anxious and awkward conversations so as not to be a catalyst for a cataclysmic conflict or argument during the most sacred of holidays. Am I right?
One of my favorite movies depicting such frivolity is Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation. There is no greater source for making you feel good about the family you have! It's funny and refreshing that Clark Griswold remains committed to his idyllic vision of "how Christmas should be" through all the trials and tribulations of the movie. One of largest of his trials to overcome ... that's right ... FAMILY!
Now I've been a bit negative about family get togethers so far in this post, and it's really a bit unjust.
Truthfully I believe most people really do enjoy seeing their families, spending time with loved ones, and recounting the greatest memories of Christmas pasts. Maybe enjoying a little sledding, eating and drinking too much, and relaxing with those who know us the best (good and bad!) Quite frankly, given the alternative of a Christmas alone I believe most would gladly elect to be spending time with a house full of FAMILY and would elect it again and again each year.
But the travel, the possible family conflicts, the awkward sleeping arrangements, the I-can't-believe-he-got-me-this presents, and the quirks of our individual family members sometimes get blown out of proportion. Never more true than during the holidays.
So I'm taking a positive and optimistic approach to this year's family get togethers. Yes, the basis for them is a bit trying but I'm going to put my best foot forward. It's a fabulous time of year and I'm thankful. Thankful for the many blessings I have in my life. And one of those blessings I'm most thankful for is ... FAMILY!
Merry Christmas!
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