We've touched on the pleasures and education of travel in previous posts, and I got to enjoy a bit of that last weekend with a trip to Washington DC to spend the weekend with my fellow Brothers3arewe blog authors. It will a fun-filled weekend including the new blog picture and the one for this post.
One of the things I like about traveling is if I choose to be observant there are so many interesting things happening, especially in airports. 2 notable ones from this trip:
1. I was in the Cedar Rapids airport waiting for my flight and watched a young father feed his newborn a bottle. His wife was sitting next to him crying. Why? Because he was in fatigues, obviously heading off to fulfill his military service. First, I am so thankful that there are men and women in our country who are willing to make such sacrifices so that I can continue to enjoy the freedoms that I have. And second, having two little girls, I can't imagine having to leave them for any extended period of time.
2. A sign of the times: I was walking through the United terminal in Chicago O'Hare airport. There was a family walking, two parents and a son maybe 8 or 9 years old. Right in front of us was the enormous replica of a brachiosaurus skeleton. It is really cool to me, and I've walked by it probably a hundred times. Well this kid had no idea that it was even there. Why?...because he had seen a WiFi sign hanging in front of the replica and was begging his parents to get his iPad out so he could get online. W-O-W!!!
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