I may be a function over form guy, but those are perhaps the ugliest shoes that I've ever seen. So you want my opinion?
First, they look like fancy tennis shoes to me, with the notable exception that the toes each have their own little nifty compartment. I'm not sure how separating your toes helps you run, but hey, I did lose a toenail because of running. Maybe the toe next to it got mad about all the rubbing and caused the neighbor toe's nail to fall off. Maybe they would have all been happier having their own space. But what are they going to do when you go barefoot?? I don't doubt that some people do very well (health-wise) running barefoot, but I also know millions of people in the world that seem to be doing okay with those regular shoes where your toes have to live together.
Second, I think this toe-shoe/sock thing is just ANOTHER fitness trend. Add it to the list with Jazzercise, Tae-Bo, vibrating belts, thigh-master, Nordic track, drinking raw eggs, Pilates, etc. In 5-10 years, there will only be a handful of people wearing those ridiculous looking things.
When you buy shoes like that I bet you get a free bowl of soup, huh? Oh, it looks good on you though!
I'm not sure I'm ready to throw these shoes into the jazzersize category, but I do believe that they are a fad of sorts. And, they are definitely UGLY! As a man who takes some pride in colorful and unusual shoes (ugly by some, eccentric by others) I have to say these take the cake. I can't stand stuff between my toes ... not the fudge after a long day in the yard and not even the material intended when wearing flip flops. So without question, just looking at these shoes almost sends me into convulsions. And, how much real independence does each toe really have in these versus a regular pair of running shoes? Sorry, but I give them a thumbs down.