Mostly I go about my life, busier than I want to be, trying to maintain balance and proportion between all of life's priorities albeit with varying success. On the whole my life is awesome: beautiful wife, fantastic kids, wonderful friends, a fulfilling job. But I don't always realize how good I've got it. Sometimes work is stressful, the kids don't always behave the way I want, and sometimes I can't find time for a bike ride or to exercise with Scout.
Then, I hear about another's misfortune and provides perspective on how darn good I've got it. Someone who has lost a loved one to illness or tragedy. A family broken, careers ended, and homes lost to natural disaster. Unfortunately our community has witnessed a few such examples of late.
It sure makes me appreciate that the worst I've got to worry about is a viral infection that prevented Sheila and I from going to Vegas for a weekend. And it is too bad that sometimes it takes another person's misfortune to appreciate my own blessings.
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