I agree with both of you and would confirm that we ALL have great lives - comparisons or not. No argument from this camp. But I want to shift the discussion slightly. What does the future hold? For us, for our kids and for future generations?
I'm naturally a pessimist (big shock, I know) but the recent events in the world are giving me a lot of material to support my pessimism. Natural disasters, never ending wars, arguably the most economically unstable world economy ever known, gutless leaders, increasing gap between "have's" and "have nots", water scarcity, deterioration of human morality ... the list goes on and on.
AND, I think the United States is in for a real wake up call. What makes us different than any other world power who at one time thought of themselves as untouchable by the rest of the world. #1 in everything! Well that's changing quickly. Let me cover the gamut, quickly:
Politics - Our system sucks. It's the best system in the world but it still sucks. Where are the bold leaders who are willing to make tough decisions on tough issues? Where is leadership based on a core set of values and principles to do what is in the best interest of your constituency? Oh, that's right they are home trying to figure out how to get re-elected. Those in power aren't capable of the leadership required in order to address the real issues facing our country. We are 14 trillion dollars in debt with no plan to do anything other than increase this figure. Huh? Enough said.
Financial Markets - I know what it means for a person or company in the US to file for bankruptcy protection, but I don't know what it means for a country to do so. What forms do they complete and is the process the same? Who do they file the paperwork with? Several countries are on the verge. When the currency of these countries become worthless what is the likely outcome and reaction of the citizens of that country? Chaos I suspect.
Human Ethics and Values - This is a really big topic but I'll open this can of worms by saying that human decency to one another appears to be a thing of the past. Contempt breeds chaos. Regard for another human being, on a human level, must be preserved for civil society to exist. Of any kind. Imposing your values on others doesn't work. Displaying your values in the face of opposition does, but only with patience and time. I'm opting for door #2.
The Environment - I'm not a tree hugger but I'm educated enough to believe that humans are destroying the only planet proven to support life. We have to become more responsible with this finite resource. Global warming? Maybe. But an increased record of natural disasters of all shapes and kinds occurring globally at unprecedented levels? Fact. Do you think we have anything to do with that? I do.
I'm worried about the world that my kids will inherit from us. It's increasingly complex and filled with endless numbers of monumental, potentially disastrous issues. Our generation doesn't appear equipped to address them. Hopefully the next generation will be able to correct our errors - recognize the problems we turn a blind eye to, and with solid judgment and willingness to change will correct course and improve the path of the human race. A big ask!
More to come on these topics, but didn't our parents say the same thing? And their parents before them? Werent the Beastie Boys terrible? And the Beatles before them? And Elvis before them? Are we just getting old like everyone does?