Monday, September 17, 2012

Technology - Brad's belated response

Well gentleman and fellow followers, its been a bit of a dry spell for me as I've had some technical issues with my blogger account (how fitting). But I'm back...

The most insightful comment of everyone's was the idea that technology is supposed to be valuable. I think it needs to be additive in some way that helps you in your job, connect with enhanced personal relationships (see previous conversation about online social networks), or some other value-adding way. Knowing what time someone took a crap in which Starbucks doesn't qualify.

Twitter: I'm actually more interested in twitter than I am FB. I am on Twitter (how about them apples huh boys!), and I follow things that are important to me. I am currently following: Junior Achievement USA, Junior Achievement of Eastern Iowa, Iowa Swimming, Terry Reinsager (co-worker), The Iowa Hawkeyes, and MediRevv. I stay informed on what's happening in those environs.

But the big issue I have with technology is when it impedes personal relationships and interactions. Sheila and I have had many conversations about our respective phones being out when it is just us. I've also seen instances where people are just plain rude because they are paying attention to their FB feed on their phone instead of a conversation with me. It is the 2012 version of looking over someone's shoulder at dinner to watch a football game. Most everyone would agree that is rude, yet so many people don't think twice of sitting in front of their phone or other Mac device even when they are present with others.

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