Friday, October 18, 2013

One of many problems...

Brad, I loved your rant on the government.  It really is quite ridiculous.  There are lots of problems with our current system, but I think one of them is the fact that "politician" is just another career choice.  So I say get rid of the career aspect.

I'm a fan of term limits.  Serving in congress should be exactly that - service.  All of those cats are so far out of touch with reality that they are of no good to the American people.  Show me where ANY congressman is suffering for their service.  I'll be standing by.

I know it's a pipe dream, but maybe - just MAYBE - if you only got elected ONE time and served a four-year term (no chance for re-election) then people would vote for what is actually best for the country rather than for what they think will get them re-elected.  There is only one motive in politics, and that is to keep your job.

And now they've done what they've been doing for years: they just delayed the problem.  We have been operating for years on "continuing resolutions."  When is the last time congress passed a budget?  Anyone?  Anyone?  Oh yeah, 1997.

I hate to say it, but I'm starting to think that we need the same party to win the presidency, have a majority on the Supreme Court and a majority in both the House and the Senate to get anything done in this country, whether or not we agree with it.  Right now congress is just wasting our time (and money).

I'm voting against the incumbent in the next election, regardless of their party affiliation.  You failed.  Time to go home.

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