Sunday, October 27, 2013

Prized Possessions

Attached is the content from a recent email Brad sent to Marc and me about Dad finding the infamous watch cap.  It's the one he was issued upon entering the Navy circa 1960. 

"I have some extraordinarily exciting news.  I spoke with Mom today and she relayed this news to me.  She was cleaning the living room closet out this week and found Dad’s missing watchcap.  The one with the hole in it.  The one that Marc replaced with new ones which Dad didn’t like because they didn’t have a hole.  The one which Ed replaced with ones from his house that he didn’t like because they didn’t have a hole in them. And he wonders why we make fun of him."

Now this watchcap of Dad's truly does mean a lot to him.  But it caused me to think about those things that each of us as brothers might consider among our dearest and most prized possessions.  I'm particularly interested in those possessions which others might find a bit strange - like Dad's watch cap. 

When I shared with Dad this morning that I planned to put this topic on the blog, he eagerly (not anxiously) responded by throwing Brad under the bus!  He said, "hey, Brad gives me a hard time about my watch cap, my Sydney sweatshirt and other old things that I'm attached to, you might want to ask him about his raggety t-shirts which I wore out and he seems to think are perfect.  You could read a paper through any of them"

Alright Dad!  Hmmmm, even Dad makes characterizations that suggest Brad might be the most like Dad.  Maybe Brad likes those t-shirts to do his crossfit training in ... you know, to go see Pukie the Clown!?

So what are my prized possessions that might stack up as a little weird?  I struggle with answering but might say the number of hats I own? I don't like giving or throwing them away.  And beyond that I think what I treasure the most are pretty typical ... memories.

So, what crazy prized possessions do my brothers have?

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