Tuesday, December 24, 2013

All I Want For Christmas ...

  • A family with whom to share Christmas,
  • A home and bed that is safe and warm,
  • A beautiful and loving wife, that also is a pretty good cook,
  • Three incredible kids that make me proud and feel lucky to be their Dad,
  • Some friends who I can share great times, and can help me through those that aren't so great,
  • A company and position that values what I can do for them, and supports my efforts to make that company a better place to work for all employees,
  • Reliable and safe transportation for me and my family, a full tank of gas,
  • A full refrigerator,
  • Bills that are all paid, and hopefully with a little left in my bank account
And even before Santa arrives this Christmas I've already had my entire Christmas list filled.  This holiday season more than any other I've just looked around, and paid attention.  I've met people that will be working on Christmas Eve (and perhaps even Christmas Day).  Spoken with those that won't be with family this year or worse yet don't want to be.  Watched the TV and heard about those who have lost loved ones or close friends.  Those who don't have power and the heat that comes with it.  Or those so deep in debt that they can't enjoy what they have because of the fear about how they will actually pay for it.  They work a sucky job that doesn't pay them what they are worth, and some even do so thankfully.  Many have bruised and battered relationships. 

I'm really lucky.  My blessings are huge and my problems are small. 

Merry Christmas to my family, and my two brothers who co-author this blog.  You two are both family and two of the best friends anyone could want.  I miss you both.  You both (and your families) are such an important part of the blessings I describe above. 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, one very important addition - good health. For my family, my friends and for me. Without it, little else matters.
