Same upbringing, same parents. Different careers, different interests, different experiences.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Politics, God Help Us
Now I know I'm going into shark infested waters here, but this topic cannot be ignored and without some fodder. It's too big of a shit show. So in advance I'm relying on two things to keep me from being eaten alive:
1. Only four people read this blog, so if I piss half of them off I will still have a higher approval rating than President Obama or either of the party front runners.
2. Both sides of the party line appear have 'trainwrecks' in their candidate list. So it should be relatively easy to remain party neutral by expressing my sheer disgust and disappointment for both sides.
Can anybody be seriously excited about the next nine months in the political scene? Anybody? I've never had so much interest in politics before which I can't exactly put my finger on (I'm getting older, I now have a child that can vote) but geez, the more you know about our political process the more grotesque and outrageously crazy it gets. Makes any sane man or woman want to cover their eyes like a child and hope when they reopen them that it has all gone away.
Stating the obvious, this is the best America has to offer? On both sides. Really? I would rather vote for my trusted neighbor or friend than any of these yahoos. Really, I would. They aren't as experienced, definitely don't have as much money, but at least they could be trusted. The existing political process rewards those who are rich (you have to have millions/billions to run for president), being vague (any straight answer will alienate you to some part of the voter population), lack of accountability (because the past is dissected for flaws and all that has gone wrong you need to keep your hands clean), and creating controversy and disgust about any other candidates position (being negative, and insulting all opposers). That recipe didn't work in grade school, and it doesn't work in Washington.
So what's it coming down to for me? TRUST. CHARACTER. VALUES.
Who do I trust. Who do I feel will represent this country admirably. And yes, there are a few political must have's when it comes to the issues. But really, it's trust.
So who in the candidate list on either side holds up to this assessment? None of them. Trump? Are you fricking kidding me?! Cruz? Rubio? Nope. Sanders? Clinton? Nope again. They all take a back seat to my brothers, my neighbor and even my dog.
So what's a guy to do?
Well one thing I would like to propose is a battery of psychological and cognitive tests for all presidential candidates. IQ, yep. MBTI, yes. Strategic thinking, yes again. Heck, even a lie detector test would be pretty cool. Results would be fully disclosed to the public. Hmmm, wouldn't that be interesting!
Beyond that I'm not sure, but admittedly my eyes remain glued to the TV. Why? Because it's like a train wreck, a lesser of evils, who will do or say something stupid next! And it's the election to the most powerful position in the world! With enough rope any of these folks will hang themselves. The one likely to be our next president is the one who can avoid that fate. Yikes.
Now, don't get me wrong. I love America. I LOVE AMERICA. It's easy to right? Greatest country in the world, hands down. Ask most any American, where would you rather live and raise your family. Crickets. But ask others from any other foreign country. You're likely to get the same answer. Excepting the fact that their country of origin is HOME, I suspect the answer would be AMERICA, over and over again. In spite of all the issues, challenges, etc. we face as a country it's still the best country in the world. So don't get me wrong, I love America and always will. But geez, we sure are putting on a spectacle for the world to see! And it's messy, not pretty and I'm not proud of it.
And yet, we must rely on politicians to change it. We can't as voters and citizens of the USA. Nope, we need to elect those who we believe want to, and can change it. And that may be the saddest story of all. Election and political reform can and should be at the heart of the debates, and on the hearts and minds of most Americans. But unfortunately its taken a back seat to other issues such as fiscal policy, immigration reform, and the strengths of our military.
May God Bless America (and help us) come November ... and in the meantime I open this discussion up to more creative suggestions, debate and dialogue, and of course the fodder ... amongst our large and diverse readership.
Ok, GO!
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