I'll be up front in saying that I think a lot of problems could be solved with term limits for politicians. I'm not even saying one term, but how about two? I think that one of the very fundamental problems is that politicians make decisions based on one thing: reelection. That's the ONLY filter. Politics involves power and money, and if you manage to stay in office, you keep both. So all politicians - democrats, republicans, independents, libertarians, green party, tea baggers, freedom party, modern whigs, communists, or transhumanists, they all have a single goal: STAY IN OFFICE. And how do you do that? Well, you lie, and you lie A LOT. You have to tell people what they want to hear, whether it's true or not. You can't be fiscally responsible, because sometimes that means de-funding good things, and you can't expect people to want to reelect you if you are taking money away from whatever is their special interest. You have to keep lying, but if you can manage to stay in office, you get the perks of being a pseudo-movie star: free dinners, private planes, trips to exotic locations, people kissing your ass all the time, fancy hotels, and even the attention of real movie stars.
Trump is a train wreck. I honestly cannot believe that there are people who still support him considering the stuff that comes out his mouth. The latest one is claim of not wanting to condemn David Duke, an admitted racist, because he "doesn't know him." He made the same claim for the KKK. THIS is the guy who apparently a huge portion of America wants to be President? I can't help but STILL believe in the depths of my soul that the nonsense will come to end in the general election. I personally know a lot of people who have never voted anything but Republican that have said they will NOT vote from Trump. I'm one of them. I just won't. It's a sad indication of our political environment when people are so divided by party that they will vote for ANY candidate from their chosen party rather than vote for someone else. If Kim Kardashian won the Republican nomination, the hardcore Republicans would vote for her against ANY Democrat. That's the sad state of affairs, and unfortunately (this is just my opinion) the Republicans have been getting their asses kicked for eight years (with no end in sight) so they love Trump for the sole reason that he pisses off the Democrats so much. Is that what the standard is for a President these days? The person who pisses off the other party the most?? It's just me, but I think that the Democrats LOVE Donald Trump, because he's going to make the general election a breeze for them. The Republican Party is done. It's what I honestly believe. It's done. I don't think it will ever recover, and you can thank Sarah Palin for that.
I'm embarrassed for our country. I think we're the laughing stock of the world. On a personal note, if Trump does win the Presidency, I'm not sure that I'll stick with my profession - he'll have us in four separate wars or more within three months of swearing in, and one of them might be a Southern neighbor (Mexico). I think I'll be putting in papers to retire if he wins.
Is there no decency in our country?
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