Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ed on 'What a Great Idea!'

Ok, so there is definitely something going on with the Baldwin brothers and their dreams.

First I have a recurring dream of getting all the cousins together, and recording an album. Ultimately, it becomes a reality. Then Brad dreams of fog, wakes up and pens a poem that quickly becomes published and leaves us all wondering if he should consider different career options. Now, Marc is taking naps with aspirations of succeeding Kramer in authoring coffee table books, only his idea is a book about body parts having discussions with one another.

With all these crazy dreams finding there way into reality I only have one question - Marc, when will the book be finished?

My two cent contribution to your book is that a social pattern, network and hierarchy would emerge very quickly as you record these discussions. And that this hierarchy would be very compelling, like a soap opera on TV. As a possible excerpt - "Can you believe what hip said to shoulder today? Unbelievable!"

There would be outgoing body parts, and those that would be introverted. Social butterflies and blow hards, and those that had would have little or nothing to say for months. "So what have you been up to butt?" said Wrist. "Oh, not much just feeling really squashed lately?" You get the picture, but I think it's a great idea!

But back to the dreams, are they really just a peek into what's really going on in our subconscious, but without the filter of our conscious that would abandon or bury such thoughts as ludicrious, crazy and stupid thereby avoiding the mockery that would come from playing out these thoughts/ideas in real life?

So I'm asking each of my cousins to take a sabbatical, then work really hard together to ensure we never go back to the current separate lives we lead in favor of us all becoming part of a rock n roll band! Yeah!

And Brad, you should give up your desires for a non-correlated asset purchase so you can pull a Ralph Waldo Emerson and spend more time in the woods with nothing but pen, paper, and sonnets - with the end result being an earth felt poetry collection that becomes the bible of farmers and weather watchers around the world, exceeding the sales of the big kahuna and coveted be-all-end-all of such thoughts - the Farmers Almanac!

And Marc, you should begin exploring the less conventional view that body parts do actually use different languages and talk to each other via neurons in much the same way people interactg and speak together using cell towers and phone lines. And that while conventional wisdom might suggest that an aspiring doctor/nurse study biology to understand what's going on in your body that instead we should be focused on recording and interpreting (yeah, there's the CTI link) the body parts conversational patterns with each other. Challenging the most intellectually competent medical minds that they are on the wrong track.

All these ideas make me think of the line in Star Trek, "boldly going where no man has gone before", or maybe akin to the Neil Armstrong quote "one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind". Or alternatively ...

We could be dealing with initial signs of dementia and craziness in all three Baldwin brothers and that we should stick to HR, Assets and Language and keep as much of this stuff buried as possible so we don't get locked up in padded pink rooms!

Me? I've always liked pink padded rooms, and we could have a cage match if they put all three of us in the same one. Giddie up!

1 comment:

  1. Marc's concept about body parts talking to one another is not unique. The Bible mentions how Christians are linked together as the "Body of Christ" functioning like a real body - each having a an important role/function that is vital to the "success" of the work of Christ on earth. Check it out - it's a quick read:
    I Cor. 12: 14-26
