No sound advice here. I've been living the no training/work out regimen for a decade or so. Seems that the best thing I can do is the stuff that I love. Unfortunately, I don't love running, and that's probably close to the best thing you can do to stay in shape. Another ... swimming. While I like swimming and believe I would generally enjoy the quick gains of 30 solid minutes in a pool 3/4 days per week, the convenience excuse raises its ugly head.
Yeah, the short answer is that I've struggled with the same. However, when the kids are active at home, I tend to be active at home. It's surprising the exercise that can come from hanging out with 13/10/8 year olds for an afternoon. They aren't thin just because they're young. They also burn some serious calories!
And while exercise is part of the issue with mid-life weight gain, the other is diet. That's been the hardest for me. I love to eat, and generally if it's not good for you I eat a lot of it! I've adapted reasonably well over recent years but the helpings/portion sizes are still too big. If I could make the portion size shift, and get to the gym (to do anything) three days per week (twice during the week, once during the weekend) I would probably drop 10 pounds. That would keep me comfortably where I need to be to feel good about my fitness.
Well, I say we each make commitments to fitness. Any old commitment will do. This doesn't need to be a competition, you know I'm not much for that kind of stuff anyway!
I would like to note at this point that I have the most legitimate excuses for avoiding this ... oldest, heaviest, most kids, hardest job (c'mon you both know it) and I'm the most skilled orator. Boy, I hope I spelled that correctly. You get the idea.
Let the negotiations begin!
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