Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Another "D" post?

Intriguing article for sure.  The question of why some forms of creating "an improved version of yourself" is acceptable (surgery) and others (doping) are not is a tough one.  I guess I don't have to give an answer right now, since we'll still be talking about this in 6 months, a year, and five years from now!

I noticed an interesting article today about how Adrian Peterson's recovery from ACL surgery is putting
a lot of pressure on orthopedic surgeons, because all athletes want to bounce back as quickly.  It's interesting that in the article a doctor, speaking about Peterson, says, "His body - it's just different."  That New Yorker article makes me wonder what the sporting public would think is excessive in regards to Performance Enhancing Medical Procedures (PEMP - yeah, I just made that up).  Isn't a blood transfusion a medical procedure?  Don't football players suck on 100% oxygen sometimes?  Should that be illegal?

Thanks a lot Brad.  You've added an additional can of worms to the pile of cans of worms that we have heaped in front of us on this issue already.  Well, the good news is that if we keep this up or a couple of years, we'll be able to compile it into a book.  I know at least three people that would buy it!

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