Wednesday, September 25, 2013

True Enough

I feel sufficiently chastised.  No doubt, I will fully admit that I'm a pessimist.  And I know I CAN change that, but it's pretty hard.  BUT… politics?  Not a good analogy.  Hollywood?  Fair enough.  But not politics.

Politics is an essential part of our democracy.  Without our political bodies such as state legislatures and congress, we don't function as a society.  Politicians make the policies and laws that govern the lives of all of us.  Their decisions affect 314 million people.  Politics is a necessary part of life, and I don't think you can say the same about professional sports.  

I can whole heartily agree with the Hollywood accusation.  About the only good thing that comes out of that is a good movie now and then.  

You've made some good points, but for something that isn't essential to our lives (like pro and college sports), I don't know why I should be digging to find some good so that I can justify their existence.  We don't need college athletics to generate loyalty, growth, and academic achievement in young men and women.  Those things could be as easily developed with positive impact on our world through volunteerism, but nobody is paying millions and millions of dollars to broadcast teams volunteering at inner city youth centers.  

I'm not saying that sports is inherently bad.  It's just another thing that has been hijacked and perverted.  

Interestingly enough, you have to look pretty damn hard to find good news about ANYTHING these days.  Good news doesn't make money for TV networks.  Do you think a "Good News Network" would work?  Maybe there is a market for it.

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