Rodman has apparently decided that he’s going to be a regular in North Korea, help them prepare a basketball team for the 2016 Olympics, maybe even write a book about Kim Jong-Un. You can read about it here. It pisses me off because we are talking about a country that is one of the worst violators of human rights in the world. It’s a totalitarian regime that is contrary to everything that we value in America. Rodman has always been a freak show, and maybe this is just another one of his stunts. I don’t know. But for me, it’s just going too far. If you take a few minutes to read through the Human Rights Watch report, this is no laughing matter. In 2011 I read a book based on the testimony of some of the few people that have escaped North Korea, and it was extremely depressing. Rodman says Kim Jong-Un is a “good guy”. And in his ignorance, he believes it.
Rodman claims that all this is not just a play to make money, although I have no doubt that he is profiting from this little adventure. I know that he’s managed at least one commercial out of the deal, in which he has the audacity to joke about the fact that North Korea has nuclear weapons and threatens to use them on a regular basis.
Ha ha. So funny.
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